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Septic Services in High Point, NC

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High-Quality Septic System Care

From Deep River to Emerywood and beyond, Mountain View Septic is your one-stop shop for septic services in High Point, NC. We work hard to assess your needs and discover how to best serve them by installing, repairing, and pumping septic systems, among other services.

Our local customers trust us to bring both a dedication to our technical work and a friendly face to every job. We offer services throughout the Piedmont region of North Carolina and understand the unique challenges of the region. Many homeowners here have septic systems for wastewater treatment, rather than sewer lines, because of the rural surrounding areas and the benefits of having a septic system on your property.

Contact us now at (336) 569-2501 to learn more about what we can do for you!

Why Do I Need a Septic System Installation?

Most homes that need septic systems are new and in an area where sewer lines are not conveniently located. You may also need a septic system replacement if your old system has failed. A septic installation will give you access to a brand-new septic system that will stand the test of time and provide wastewater treatment and distribution on your property.

Many prefer septic systems because they are entirely within your control. They tend to be more eco-friendly than large, municipal sewer plants, as they treat your wastewater on site and filter the water back into the earth.

Once your new septic system is installed, the pros at Mountain View Septic will offer septic services in High Point to help you care for it, including ongoing maintenance and inspections.

Does Septic Pumping Need to be Done by a Professional?

The short answer to this question is yes. Septic pumping is a routine part of your septic tank maintenance, and it must be completed by a professional. We bring in a truck specifically designed to remove the waste, both liquids and solids, from your septic tank. There is a vacuum attached to the truck that will then be inserted into the tank. This cannot be completed effectively without the proper equipment, which you’ll only be able to acquire through a professional septic technician.

What is the Difference Between Septic Pumping & Septic Cleaning?

Septic pumping is a septic service in High Point that all septic system owners must request at some point, typically every few years. During this service, your septic tank is not emptied in its entirety, but much of the liquid and floating solids are removed. It helps remove developing clogs or obstructions in your tank, freeing up space for additional waste. You are less likely to encounter problems with your system when you get it pumped.

However, septic cleaning is available if you do need a more thorough clean. Septic cleaning removes everything from your tank, through both the same methods as septic pumping and additional measures as well, if necessary. This service is typically recommended only if deemed necessary by a professional.

How Do I Know I Need Septic Repairs?

One way to understand whether or not you need septic repairs is by getting a septic inspection. During this process, we will look at all aspects of your septic system. Of course, we will inspect the tank, but we will also look at the distribution box, the drainfield, the pipes connecting your home to your septic system, and your drains. It is easier to identify the root causes of problems if we examine everything.

If we do find something during the inspection, we will suggest septic repairs. Our team of professionals will provide a time and budget-conscious solution, with both free estimates and emergency septic services in High Point available.

We know you’d rather be out and about, enjoying everything our city has to offer, like spending a sunny afternoon in High Point City Lake Park or attending the High Point Furniture Market, instead of staying stuck at home dealing with a septic problem. That’s why our team at Mountain View Septic aims to work quickly and efficiently to resolve any issues!