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Septic Installation in Winston-Salem, NC

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Customer Reviews

Install a New Septic System

Don’t settle for less than the best when you are adding a septic system to your home. A septic system installation in Winston-Salem, NC requires the dedicated attention of a professional with the proper training and experience. The team at Mountain View Septic will carefully assess your property, give you options for your new septic system, and then install it, taking care to test its functionality before we leave.

You may be tempted to install a septic system yourself, but we highly recommend against this solution. Septic installation is a complex process, and you will likely be unable to excavate your yard, obtain the proper permits, and correctly choose a septic system yourself. With the guidance of a septic company like Mountain View Septic, you get to sit back and relax while we take care of your new septic system.

Contact us now for a free estimate! We prioritize transparent pricing for our customers, so you can understand what you’ll be expected to pay for your septic installation in Winston-Salem.

Do I Need a Septic System?

About 50% of homes in North Carolina rely on septic systems to collect, treat, and dispose of wastewater. This percentage grows in areas outside of city centers, like the small towns and rural areas surrounding Winston-Salem. Septic systems are alternatives for properties that are not close enough to a municipal sewer system to connect via a sewer line.

So, if you live in North Carolina, it is likely that you will need a septic system. All water and waste that goes down a drain or is flushed down a toilet will flow through the septic line to the tank, where solids will be broken down. The water will eventually reach the leach or drain field, where it seeps back into the soil. A septic installation in Winston-Salem allows you to handle and treat all wastewater exclusively on your property, without the need for a public treatment plant.

The Septic Installation Process

A septic system includes multiple components, including the tank, the distribution box, the drain field, and the pipe that connects your drains to the septic tank. Each needs to be placed properly underground, accounting for the soil type and topography of your yard. This process of septic installation in Winston-Salem requires multiple, involved steps and can take a significant amount of time.

Initial Assessment

We will survey your property, performing any tests on the soil as necessary. This allows us to make our cost estimate for installation, as well as any suggestions for additions or modifications to a traditional septic system. Our goal is to locate the best place to install your septic system and ensure it will run and drain safely.

Obtain Permits

Sometimes installing a septic system requires the acquisition of permits from local authorities. We will help you take care of this, as we are familiar with local regulations.

Excavation & Installation

Installing your new septic system will require excavating part of your yard. We will attempt to do so while taking good care of your property. Once we have dug space for the septic tank, we will begin installing each component of your new system.

Clean-up & Testing

We test the new septic system, so we can be sure you are left with a functional, lasting treatment option for your wastewater. We also do what we can to return your yard to the state it was in before we started the installation.

For more information about how septic installation works, call us at (336) 569-2501 to discuss your options with a professional technician. We will gladly answer your questions and schedule an appointment for a free estimate.