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Septic Repairs in Winston-Salem, NC

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Repairs For Your Septic System Available 24/7

When something goes wrong with your septic tank, you may find standing water in your backyard, clogged drains, or sewage smells throughout your property. If you don’t fix these problems quickly, they will only get worse! That’s why Mountain View Septic is ready to respond urgently when you need septic repair in Winston-Salem, NC.

We offer 24/7 emergency hours for customers in need of an immediate fix, so you won’t have to wait around while your septic system leaks all over your property. We also offer free estimates, eliminating any guesswork with upfront pricing. Trust us to remedy your septic woes and get you back to a normal, functioning wastewater treatment system as quickly as possible.

Common Problems With Septic Systems

If you have a septic system, you should do your own visual inspections every now and then to make sure it is functioning as expected. Some of the most common problems with septic tanks and systems that require repairs include:

How to Maintain Your Septic Tank

Are you worried about the condition of your septic tank? Follow these steps, and you’ll know that you’re doing the best you can to care for your septic system.

Be Mindful of What You Wash Down the Drain

Many homeowners underestimate the importance of following the best practice guidance about what to wash down the drain or flush down the toilet. You may feel tired one morning and wash coffee grounds down the drain or flush wipes down the toilet. However, these small slip-ups can add up, resulting in reduced efficiency or major problems with your septic tank. Consult with a professional to learn more about what you can and can’t send down the pipes into your septic tank.

Think About Water Efficiency

By using water in your home efficiently, you reduce the strain on your system and lessen the likelihood that you will need septic repairs in Winston-Salem, NC. We suggest taking steps like washing full loads of laundry (as opposed to multiple small loads), installing energy-efficient appliances and fixtures, and paying attention to your water usage.

Maintain Your Drain Field

The drain field is the part of your septic system where water flows after it has run through the septic tank. It distributes that water back into the soil. The drain field can be damaged if you park or drive heavy equipment on top of it or add plants too close. Installing roof drains or other drainage systems too close to the drain field and impact its ability to treat your wastewater.

Request Regular Maintenance From Pros

Assistance from professional septic technicians can help catch problems early and increase the longevity of your septic system. At Mountain View Septic, we offer maintenance services like septic pumping and inspections that should be part of your routine. We will also offer septic repairs in Winston-Salem, NC if we find anything wrong with your system during standard maintenance services.