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Septic Cleaning in Winston-Salem, NC

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Reset Your Septic Tank With a Cleaning

Homeowners with septic systems may occasionally need them cleaned from top to bottom to allow for proper functionality. When you need a septic cleaning in Winston-Salem, NC, rely on Mountain View Septic to get the job done right. We will work with you to help you understand when a septic cleaning is necessary, and then perform the job efficiently and thoroughly.

Our technicians have extensive experience cleaning septic systems, and we commit to delivering quality, customer-focused service with every job. We offer a full range of septic services, so you can count on us as a consistent service provider throughout the life of your septic system.

Don’t hesitate to call us at (336) 569-2501 to schedule a free estimate! We look forward to caring for your septic system and restoring it to its optimal condition.

What is Septic Cleaning?

Septic cleaning lets your tank reset fully and removes the compacted sludge from the bottom. Like septic pumping, a vacuum hose connects to the tank and sucks out the contents. But in this case, everything is removed, including all of the liquid and the sludge on the bottom.

Sometimes, additional cleaning methods will be employed to completely remove any lingering sludge from the tank. For example, we may clean the tank with hydro jets — highly pressurized water — and also clean all components connected to the tank, like the inlet and outlet baffles.

This service takes longer than traditional septic pumping and requires more work. It is typically recommended by a professional in times when it will specifically be beneficial in a way that simpler, similar services, like septic pumping, would not be.

When Should I Get Septic Cleaning?

Septic cleaning in Winston-Salem, NC is typically only recommended when something has gone wrong with your septic system. There may be too much sludge to be remedied with septic pumping, or a major obstruction may have occurred.

It can also be a useful service when the bacteria in your septic tank are no longer able to break down solids. For example, if you frequently use chemical drain cleaners, you may actually be killing the bacteria in your septic tank, preventing it from working. In cases like these, it is helpful to “reset” your tank by cleaning it. This gives you a fresh start and allows the bacteria to rebuild.

We will recommend septic cleaning after an initial inspection if we believe it is necessary. Most customers will only require septic pumping as an ongoing maintenance option. In Winston-Salem, septic cleaning should be seen as an acute treatment for a larger problem.

Why Get Septic Cleaning

We recommend getting septic cleanings in Winston-Salem, NC when suggested by a professional to prolong the life of your septic tank. This may help you save money in the long run, as you will not have so many costly repairs, especially as major problems may result if you don’t have your tank cleaned.

Septic cleaning will also improve the overall functionality of your septic tank and improve your comfort in your home, especially if you’ve been noticing problems with your system lately. Contact Mountain View Septic now at (336) 569-2501 for a free estimate or to learn more about our septic cleaning solutions!